Original Artwork Sale

Welcome to the Original Art Page

In this section of the website I am offering all artwork unframed in order to keep postage costs down and offer affordable art to folk. All originals hold more detail and have subtle differences from prints, this is due to the printing process v the painting process. So when you buy an original art piece you are receiving something very special and unique, which is important for me to offer those who love and value creative products and wish to support creative producers.

Although art pricing is pretty subjective I do have a loose criteria. The price of originals is based on, how long it took to create, the size of the piece and materials used, and how powerful the journey I had when creating the piece.

The images are painted on Heavyweight Watercolour paper approx 300mm x 420mm for large images and the smaller images are painted on paper 420mm x 594mm, all the images are signed, dated and titled.

To purchase please select the artwork you wish and go to the checkout, select the ‘Original Artwork Free Shipping’ option for free shipping. Then checkout and pay. If you wish to buy another go back into the sale page after completion and choose another and follow the same process. I know it sounds a faff but this is the best solution for selling original pieces without breaking the website.

To take care of your original artwork frame it behind glass, preferably UV protected glass and hang it where it will not come into direct contact with sunlight. Never place any artwork in direct sunlight for an extended period of time, no matter what the medium or materials used, as it will be damaged and fade.

I hope you enjoy this section of the website and happy hunting,

Blessings Naomi 😊